Barvas School Former Pupils - 1997

Barvas School Former Pupils - 2001
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Back Row (left to right):
Calum Iain Bartlett, 20 Brue; Donald Macleod, 13 Brue; Donald John Graham, 46 Lower Barvas; Douglas Stewart, Carnan Beag, Lower Barvas; Martin Graham, Craiglea, Lower Barvas; Gordon Smith, 16 Heatherhill; Norman Macleod, 28 Lower Barvas; Iain Mackay, 9 Upper Barvas

Front Row (left to right):
Careen Matheson, Greenacres, Lower Bravas; Mairi Morrison, 6A Upper Barvas; Kathryn Morrison, 39 Lower Barvas; Helen Mackay, 18 Upper Barvas; Katherine Donna Macleod, An Ard, Lower Barvas

A worthy mention and congratulations must go to Donald John Graham who achieved the notable distinction of seven years perfect attendance in Barvas School – luckily he did not have to endure 1905!