Fios a' Bhaile - Issue 1 - £3.00

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Barvas Show Prize-winners Barvas Show Prize-winners
July 1957

Left to right: Alasdair Smith (Bounce), 43 Lower Barvas; Alasdair MacDonald (Alasdair Ruadh), 42 Lower Barvas; Norman Macritchie (Tormod Tuagan), 10 Loch Street. Judges: Mr MacNinch (cap) & Joe Black (hat), Stornoway.

Tha Comann Eachdraidh Bharabhais is Bhrù againn a-nis agus tha mi an dòchas gum bi fad iomadh bliadhna!

Last November, the Community Association invited Bill Lawson to give a talk on the history of families in the area. The subject aroused much discussion and stirred people to set up a Comann Eachdraidh to collect and publish as much as possible about the history of Barvas and Brue.

There followed a number of meetings to discuss the idea, take advice and plan. Finally, at a public meeting on 8 March 1995, a draft Constitution was approved, a Committee was elected and opinions were given about what work was most important for the Society.

The Comann Eachdraidh is now under way and with your support, it will become a place that locals, visitors and scholars will use regularly. This is our first newsletter. We will issue further newsletters and magazines as the work progresses.

There is much to be done, some of it very urgent. Please help us by joining and by talking to us about your own knowledge and memories and the history of the area. Allan Matheson, Chairman.
Tha Comann Eachdraidh Bharabhais is Bhrù againn a-nis agus tha mi an dòchas gum bi fad iomadh bliadhna!