Fios a' Bhaile - Issue 2

The Comann Eachdraidh Committee:
Chairman: Allan Matheson
Vice Chairman: Kenneth A Matheson
Secretary: Kenneth J MacDougall
Treasurer: Katie Mary Smith
Assistant Treasurer: Margaret J MacLeod
Other Committee Members: Catriona Chandler, Calum MacKay, Kenneth J MacKay, Rev. Allan MacLeod, John Murray, James Smith, Malcolm J Smith.

What is it trying to do?
The Comann Eachdraidh exists to promote an active interest in the history, heritage and culture of the Barvas and Brue area; to do this it will:

  • bring together all individuals and bodies that share such interests;
  • collect, identify and preserve documents, photographs and other material of historical value in the area for the benefit of the community;
  • organise exhibitions, displays, lectures and other events;
  • co-operate with Universities, Colleges, Schools and others interested in the work and aims of the Society;
  • raise and hold funds towards the furtherance of these aims.
Wanted Urgently ... ££s, Members & $$s!
Cha dèan sinn dad feumail gun airgead!! We are delighted that we already have over 90 members, but we would like many, many more! Of course we will apply to grant-giving bodies for assistance with the cost of getting the basic equipment needed, but we ourselves must raise money locally first.

The Comann Eachdraidh needs proper storage for papers and photos, a computer and printer, tape-recorders, camera and a place where the material can be kept and displayed for people to see, read and hear.

We need thousands of pounds! Is that possible? Can the people of Barvas and Brue, locals, emigrants, cousins and friends support a Comann Eachdraidh, as Bernera, Back, Ness, Point, Kinloch, Uig and other communities do? Ma tha, tha mi an dùil!